Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Meanwhile, outside the kitchen...

When I am not playing  slaving away in the kitchen I sometimes get bored inspired and try new crafty things. I won't bore you with the details (because who knows, it might one day be material for another blog!). The short version is: Denis's (sp? Denis', Denis's, gaah!) mom had a little sewing room chair that she loved. The chair had seen better days.

It was wobbly and I promised to get my carpentry wizard uncle to fix it up for her. I also had to promise to bring the chair back. Greek Mom Guilt. Nai ma!

I was all wired up on a week of marathon Pinterest sessions and just knew I could make that little chair fabulous!

 And I did.

How frikken cute?? I am super chuffed. Now, who has boring furniture lying around? Send it my way.

Ever since the chair reveal, Denis's mom has been telling him what a lovely girl I am. Translation: 'you should marry her!'


  1. well done Stavvie!! the chair is super cute!!!!!

    1. yay! fyi you have created a monster, I was on yuppiechef till waaay after midnight last night!

  2. gawd, did you also re-tile the floor while you were at it? :-p brendon

  3. Marry him, marry him fast. You two are good together and I will get another cute SIL
